EVEN Pipeline

EVEN was founded on four pillars to build an end-to-end pipeline from first awareness to first gig and beyond.



Through community engagement we inform underserved communities about the incredible career opportunities in our industry. 


Once interest takes root, we will provide education to those desiring a career in the live event production community. 


A mentor will be paired with the artisan throughout their time in the program.


Finally, through the industry partnerships EVEN has fostered, each artisan will be placed in a paid apprenticeship.

ar•ti•san (noun) 


An individual who successfully completes in the ‘EVEN Basics’ curriculum, mentorship program, and job placement program. Can also be referred to as a ‘mentee’ when discussing the relationship to mentors within the mentorship program. 

Ex: ‘Hi everyone, my name is Sara and I’m one of the Artisans for the 2022 year’ 

co•hort (noun)


Refers to a group of Artisans going through the ‘EVEN Basics’.

Ex: ‘Please welcome the 2022 EVEN Basics cohort!’